Not So Little Anymore

Thursday, 18 July 2013

I can't believe my little girl is growing up so fast! Today was Tabby's last day at playgroup, and come September she'll be off to big girl nursery. She's nearly 4... I can't believe I have an almost 4 yr old! She had such a lovely last day. There was an end of term party and she dressed up in her Sleeping Beauty princess dress and wore fairy wings (this girl knows how to dress for a party!), and then afterwards all the kids and mums went for a picnic in the neighbouring park. It was so great just to watch her hanging out with her little buddies. I wonder what this smart, interesting little girl will be when she's grows up? I'm such a proud mummy right now :) 


  1. What a sweetheart! It's lovely watching them grow up and the years just seem to fly by don't they? I've been looking at High Schools over the last couple of weeks - how the heck do I have a child old enough to do that!?

    ps gorgeous kitchen, and I'm loving your photo profile! x

    1. It really does fly by! I will be looking at infant schools by the end of this year, and I can't even imagine going about secondary schools, crazy stuff!
      Thanks, I was nervous about putting a profile pic on but I think it's nice to see the person behind the blog - now you know what I get up to whilst Tabby is at playgroup, taking mug shots of myself on my iphone! (and it took a few before one was even half presentable! ha ha) x


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