Hooray For The Weekend & Happy Father's Day

Friday, 15 June 2012

I had one of those moments this morning when you first wake up and think it's the weekend, only to suddenly realise it's not.  D'oh, don't you hate it when that happens.  Mec always asks me why I get excited about the weekend when surely it's pretty much the same as the rest of the week for me, but it is different.  Even though I don't do the Mon-Fri, 9-5 routine, the weekend still feels like a much needed break from the running errands and general hum-drum of the weekdays.  And it's mostly different because I have someone else on my team for two days, to be my sidekick, to drink tea with ... Daddy!  Which leads me nicely onto Father's Day...

Have you got anything planned for Father's Day?  I've got something simple & fun planned for the family but will leave it til Monday to hopefully share photos rather than saying here and now in case Mec reads this.  We're heading off to the seaside though so crossing our fingers for at least some sunshine in between the rain showers!

Have a nice weekend and here are a few things on my mind at the moment -

I have a real itch this weekend to watch Somewhere on DVD - have you seen this? It's kind of slow and subtle, but a real gem if you stick with it.  (If you loved Lost In Translation you'll totally get it)

Love this teapot - simple design and so many colours to choose from... I think I'm feeling either the yellow or the turquoise at the moment.

Feeling uplifted by the floral prints at Whistles - this Wild Meadow Shift Dress is so cool with it's pretty floral print yet simple, unfussy cut.

Lastly, I'm still smiling from a sweet little spontaneous picnic I had in the park with Tabby this week... she was so funny.  I picked a patch of grass to sit down and she said "what a beautiful, quiet spot mummy. Let's tuck in"... It was like she'd read appropriate things to say at picnics or something and was just waiting for the right occasion to use them!  Here's a quick shot of Tabby striking a pose during our picnic.


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