Happy Mother's Day


Sunday, 30 March 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely mums out there! I've been enjoying tea & pastries in bed this morning and reading magazines (one of my fav me things to do, uninterrupted reading time!). I hope you've been chilling out doing your favourite thing too x

ps - homemade cards are the best, you can't beat a bit of glitter and sparkly paper! :)

pps - happy first mother's day to my best friend Amy, who had her gorgeous baby, Max, in January! 

New Blog: Into Mind - Top Wardrobe Tips


Wednesday, 26 March 2014

I always love stumbling across a new blog which really captures my interest, and so I wanted to share my recent discovery Into Mind. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you're into personal styling, etc and often wish you knew how best to execute a good wardrobe clear out or how to create your perfect capsule wardrobe, then this is the blog for you. I found the recent post on 'how to build the perfect wardrobe' really great. As I get older I'm beginning to realise the value of knowing what my own style is, what trends work for me and which don't, and knowing how to shop more wisely on a limited budget (buying clothes for a family of 4 is a different ball game to when back in my single days clothes shopping used to be more of a weekend hobby and I could afford to buy into passing trends and fast fashion). Now I want to be clever with my buys and create looks that I'll wear again and again, which also work together to reflect my own personal style, whatever that might be!

The site has a lovely minimal feel too, which I love. 

I hope you like it x

ps - If you like Into Mind, you might enjoy Danse de Lune (I think I've mentioned it on here before), which is a bit like an ever-growing mood board of beautiful and inspiring images. Take a look :)

Picnic Time!


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Wow, what amazing weather we had on the weekend, and for March too, not bad! As life has been getting sunnier, I've started hitting the park with the kids for impromptu picnics and it feels so good - since having kids just hanging out in the park with them in the sunshine is one of my favourite things to do. It's easy, free and the kids are always happy and exhausted after enjoying the freedom of having a good run around. On friday we grabbed a little lunchbox each from our local supermarket and went to the playground across from Tabby's nursery for a little spring picnic... these couple of shots of Sam kill me, he insisted on carrying his own lunch all the way from the shop to the park, but it was a bit heavy so he kept having to stop and regroup everything! It was too cute! (I know, the dummy ain't good, we're trying to cut back but some days he's just too tired and grumpy to give it up!)

(This is just another photo from the weekend which I'm so glad I managed to capture! It doesn't happen often, but there's definitely love between these two!)

I hope you had a good weekend too :)

House vs Home


Sunday, 9 March 2014

I'm too grumpy to blog really, but then I was thought that blogging should be about talking about all the things, not just the fancy, or the new, or the cool, and anyway, isn't a problem shared a problem halved or something?! 

So in that vain, I'm posting to say I'm cross, or fed up, or something. We've been house hunting now since the end of Jan when we sold our house in a mad 5 mins and took a punt on a bigger house around the corner.  That house didn't happen, but still we thought let's try and make the move anyway, seeing as we'd been talking about looking for a 3-bed ever since Sam came along really. 

Well, we've offered on 3 houses now and we've not had much luck. We're in the process of offering a sealed bid tomorrow on a 4th house (so please cross your fingers and toes that we pull this one off!) but I have to say it's not really fun anymore. The St Albans housing market is a bit like the London market, it moves ridiculously fast, and so I feel a bit like I'm panic buying, but for a house rather than an ill-fitting dress for a friend's wedding the next day! It's madness, and I'm trying to keep my emotions in check, but it's hard spending so much money and not really knowing if that ill-fitting dress is going to look ok in the end after you've styled it up a bit in your own way (or if it's still going to look like your Grandma's curtains!)

I like to daydream that if I had a bit more gumption or adventurous spirit I could pack up the hubby and kids and we could find an opportunity elsewhere, abroad or somewhere, as I've never really lived anywhere else and often wonder what else might be out there for us.  But then I think too that I like my life here, and I have an amazing family who will make any house a home so I should probably just brush my self down and keep going!

Here's hoping on tomorrow, I'll keep you posted! 


Image - Home is Wherever I'm with You print in Black, from Tuesday Mourning

The Industrial Look


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

How great is this industrial looking Paolo 6 ceiling light! It would look amazing in an entrance hall or kitchen, and I bet you'll never guess where it's from? BHS of all places, and whilst I'm not saying its cheap, I think it looks much more expensive that it's £150 price tag! 

And there's more... these industrial style Juno Diner pendent lights from BHS also are fab and would be perfect for a kitchen/dining area. I love the monochrome flex cable too, it's a nice touch. Again, at £45 each, I'd say they're good value. Nice work BHS!

And whilst it wasn't a bold new light fitting, we got ourselves a bit of industrial kitchen design on the weekend (something I've wanted for a while.. I know, there are bigger things in life, but hey, I like toast!) which was a Dualit toaster. We had a bit of an accident with our old toaster when a certain small person in our lives had hidden a Thomas the Tank Engine DVD in the toaster and I didn't notice until it was too late! So now we have this beauty on our worktop and let's just say now if anyone puts a dvd in this one I'll not be happy!!

Anyone for tea & toast?! :)

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