Hooray For The Weekend + House Update
Friday, 25 April 2014
Not only it is 'hooray for the weekend', but I'm pleased to say we've bought a house! Hurrah, at last! The pic above is of my little cherubs standing outside our current house (well, sort of, you can just see our blue door in the photo) beneath our Sold sign, but as soon as I have pictures of our place-to-be I'll post them here. As you can see a few of our neighbours have decided to sell up too!
Funnily enough our new house is literally around the corner, about a 30 second walk door to door. As with most things in life, it seems perhaps it was meant to be all along as we had already looked at the house a couple of times before and each time decided it was perhaps a bit small, or thought that it was madness to spend so much money moving just around the corner (do you still hire a van to move or just walk your belongings round in a wheelbarrow!?) but in the end it just felt right, and with a bit of remodelling and renovation it could be a great family home. It's a sort of a 60s box house, with great potential and I'm already excited about what we could do to the place. I'm thinking it's time to start a new Pinterest board!
So, fingers crossed if all goes well, soon it'll be the end of an era in this house and onto the next... exciting times!
Wishing you a lovely weekend, have fun! :)
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91 Magazine
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
This morning I am very happy! It's a lovely sunny morning and the sky is blue (for now anyway!) and whilst sitting down to my usual breakfast of tea and toast (with a side of laptop, it's a bad habit I know but I like a little morning peruse of the internet while I eat breakfast - it's the modern day version of reading the back of the cereal packet, right?!) I've discovered 91 Magazine. So far I've flicked through 2 back issues and I can already feel my morning schedule slipping. Who wants to go to Sainsburys and do the food shopping anyway!
I can't believe I haven't stumbled across this beautiful online mag before, what with all the design blogs I read, but better late than never and I can't wait to get stuck into the other copies. I love that it's british too - so many of the blogs I read are based in the US, it's nice to see what's going on a little closer to home.
And this is just the kind of inspiration I need right now - our house search continues and I think we're about to buy a bit of an ugly duckling house but that could have lovely potential with a bit of creativity and vision. I find myself changing my mind constantly about whether to just go for it or not (we love our current house so much it's hard to leave) but I'm getting excited thinking about all the new opportunities this house could bring for changing things up a little!
A peek inside some of the back issues, it makes me want to get crafty!
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Happy Easter!
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Well I don't know about you, but I'm am beyond tired this evening. As we draw close to the end of the Easter Holidays I feel quite impressed at how much we managed to squeeze in. What began as a slow start to the spring break, ended up turning into an action packed week where we celebrated Sam's 2nd birthday, travelled up to the Midlands to visit Thomas Land, visited Grandma Seaside at, well, the seaside, met friends at the nearby Butterfly World, and made numerous trips to the park for ice cream! With Mec being off all week it's been fun to hang out altogether as a family and spend some quality time with the kids. Now it's time to collapse on the sofa with a glass of wine and a much needed easter egg! I hope you've had a lovely Easter too :)
A few photos from the past week - I'm the laziest iPhone photographer around so apologies for the poor quality pics but hey, that's life!
Sam on his birthday, opening his much loved train set and battery operated train!
A quick pit stop in Costa for refuelling!
Exploring Tamworth where we stayed the day before visiting Thomas Land
Exploring the local park land... Kids seem to have a natural ability to hunt down the nearest playground, even if it's somewhere we've never been to before!
Tabby got camera shy whilst meeting Mike the Knight!
I'm not sure who had the most fun at Thomas Land, us or the kiddos!
Ice cream, ice cream and more ice cream - the local park did well out of us this week!
A lovely day spent with a friend at nearby Butterfly World
An outing to the local garden centre on the hunt for sunflower seeds, and the planting of this year's sunflowers. Tabby was really good at growing them last year and it's lovely to see her out in the garden with her little watering can!
Totally bad photo but I had to include it as if you're going to eat an easter egg, Sam knows how it's done!
Happy Easter one and all! x
Wedding Anniversary
Friday, 18 April 2014
It seems crazy to think about, but in 1 month my husband and I will be celebrating 7 years of marriage! We got together when I was 22, back during my uni days, so we've been together a lot longer than 7 years, but for some reason this anniversary seems like a bit of a milestone. Maybe it's because people joke about the 7-year itch (!) and so if we're still going strong so far we must be doing right. But in reality, for me, I think it's just about how we've survived (or are still surviving!) those crazy years with filled with babies, sleepless nights, nappies, etc and still manage to share a glass of wine together in the evenings and have a civil word to say to each other! If that's not a sign of something good, then I'm not sure what is!
To celebrate I've booked us a little night away without the littlies (hooray - thanks grandma!). It's only partly a surprise as I have let it be known that I've booked somewhere but I have kept the destination a surprise for a little added excitement. I can't wait to have a bit of space to just hang out together again, have a laugh and not to be refereeing between the kids for once. Now I just need to think of a nice anniversary present for M - we may have been together a while but I still have almost no idea what he would deem a cool present! Men, so tricky to buy for!
If I had to drop a (largish) hint for a special present for this anniversary I would definitely say that a pretty necklace would put a big smile on my face! I've long admired Alex Monroe jewellery and these two have to be my faves -
I know I can be hard to buy for sometimes but I think I may have just pointed him in the right direction! :)
7 years... Does that make us an old married couple yet?!
To celebrate I've booked us a little night away without the littlies (hooray - thanks grandma!). It's only partly a surprise as I have let it be known that I've booked somewhere but I have kept the destination a surprise for a little added excitement. I can't wait to have a bit of space to just hang out together again, have a laugh and not to be refereeing between the kids for once. Now I just need to think of a nice anniversary present for M - we may have been together a while but I still have almost no idea what he would deem a cool present! Men, so tricky to buy for!
If I had to drop a (largish) hint for a special present for this anniversary I would definitely say that a pretty necklace would put a big smile on my face! I've long admired Alex Monroe jewellery and these two have to be my faves -
Baby Bee Necklace - so classic, so beautiful!
Hummingbird Necklace - in mid-flight, so pretty!
7 years... Does that make us an old married couple yet?!
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a neat little shop 2.0
Thursday, 10 April 2014
I'm pleased to say that the new site has gone live this evening and I'm so pleased with how it's turned out! I really wanted to simplify the look of the shop site and create a space where the products could stand out, and hopefully this is what we have achieved. Do pop over to the site and let me know your thoughts!
(A big thanks to Mec for working so hard on the rebuilding of the site, and for being patient with me whilst I figured out this redesign! Teamwork eh! x )
a neat little shop
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New Look Site!
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
It's taken a few weeks to do but at last the new look site for a neat little shop is almost ready to go live! Featuring new products such as Sian Elin cushions, and bold animal print scarves by Zixiao, (which I'm really excited about), as well as previous favourites such as cards from Alison Hardcastle and Rifle Paper Co, I'm really looking forward to seeing the site up and running and I hope everyone likes it. (Special thanks to my husband for working so hard on the redesign, I owe him pizza and a beer big time I think!)
Just a few more final checks and then I'll hit the go live button! Hooray :)
a neat little shop
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