Navel Gazing

Friday, 14 November 2014

Well once again I ended up taking a massive blogging hiatus without really meaning too, but for some reason I just lost my blogging nerve. I felt self conscious about what I wrote, how I wrote, and couldn't help feeling anxious over was my blog actually any good. This always crops up with me... Am I good enough? Is this good enough? If I take up a new interest or hobby I immediately want to give up if whatever I'm doing doesn't turn out good straight away. Sounds childish right? And as a parent I always tell my kids, hey practice makes perfect, or it's about the fun of doing something not the outcome, etc.. But these things are always harder to listen to when it's you talking. So I'm back, not because I'm suddenly over my wobble but because I simply realised I enjoy blogging and life's too short to give myself such a hard time! 

I've not been up to much whilst I've not been blogging, just enjoying the awesome autumn we've been having, oh and watching The Great British Interior Design Challenge. We're still trying to move house (is there a record for the longest, drawn out house move ever? We might be up for it!), the kids are settling in well to school and playgroup, and I've also gone and got myself a part time job. I've not started yet, but I'm looking forward to earning a bit of money again and getting a change of scene from the house and housework! I'm going to be working at a new local independent cinema that's opening up in St Albans. There's already a fab cinema in a nearby town of Berkhampstead, which is owned and run by the same chap - and he was brave enough to buy our old Odeon cinema here and restore it back to it's former art deco glory so as a whole town we're excited for it to open! I'm fairly happy working with the public, I love the cinema and films, so all in all it should be a good way to return to work. Did I mention I'm looking forward to it?!

What have you been up to recently? Do you ever have "wobbles"?


  1. All the time and the longer I leave it between posts, the harder it is I find to put out another post. I sometimes have numerous drafts on the go but I can never quite hit the button to publish - I guess we all have our self doubts don't we? But like you say, I guess the best thing is to just put yourself out there ...

    1. Oh by the way, I love your wallpaper behind your profile pic - because I have it too in my home :)

    2. Hey Sue, thanks for your comment. Yes, I do that too, store up draft posts of half written ramblings! Stopped by out your blog, love your style, and LOVE that Jigsaw silk shirt from a few weeks ago!

  2. I always have wobbles. Still. But believe in yourself, you are amazing. And I haven't got a part time job…..:)

  3. Boy I've missed you! I'm so glad you are back.

    I have tremendous highs and lows in blogging. I sometimes loathe it and think of giving it up. Often I feel mine is not as good as others but I've met with some other bloggers recently and we all seem to feel the same at certain times. I think there are a lot of copycats and cliques out there too and I find that really boring. I'd rather visit blogs I enjoy and are genuine and yours is definitely up there for me.

    Congratulations on your job news - that sounds fab! Jen x

    1. Thanks for the kind words Jen, I always miss you and your blog too when you don't post for a while! I think you're so right about blogging too. Here's to being ourselves, even if we worry that it's not exciting or cool enough!

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